rubicon river arts inc.
On May 4th (be with you) I travelled to Latrobe with my friend Matt Hart to conduct a couple of bird workshops with some of my favourite people from the North West Coast of Tasmania. Every couple of years I return to an excited and creative group of artists to share the joy of clay and making.
We always stay with Cheryl and Noel at Asimatree bed & breakfast and art garden in Tarlton and totally love it. The Garden is full of sculpture and each time we go we get to experience not only how the plants have grown into their form and texture but marvel at how much work Cheryl and Noel have done to shape their garden into a beautiful visitor experience. We watched Cheryl in her studio currently working on 'The buzz of pigment' an exhibition she is about to open at Portside Studio/Gallery of GINA 1 Murray Street, Devonport, Tasmania 7310. TASMANIA on the 20th of May.
Thank you to Rubicon River Arts. Thank you to all who organised and to all who participated. I am so happy that as a community you have managed to secure yourselves such a lovely space to share creative events. I look forward to our next adventures.